The Top Three Things I Wish I Knew About Blogging
I did a little hop-jiggle dance when my copy of Pet Blogging for Love & Money arrived in the mail, recently. It’s a book I’ve been...

The Benefits of CBD for Dogs and Humans
CBD. You hear about it all the time, nowadays. In one regard, that’s awesome, especially if people are learning about its potential...

What's the Best Natural Dog Treat
Yoda was on TV last week. This is his fourth appearance on our local news channel for a mid-day program called “Mass Appeal.” The hour...

We Found the Best Dog Bed!
Up until a couple months ago, both Bean and Yoda would huddle on a tiny round dog bed in front of the heating vent. While the bed was...

My Dog Has Allergies, Now What?
My dog has allergies. If you’re a seasoned reader, this is old news since this has been something Bean has dealt with pretty much her...

Dogs & Fireworks: Using CBD to Prevent Anxiety
The fourth of July is, statistically, the day when most dogs will run away. It’s not because they are heading to a fun party together,...

A Review of My Pet DMV & Giveaway
A couple weeks ago, we brought Bean and Yoda to my in-laws for them to be watched (aka spoiled) while we were away for a couple days. ...

Overview of The Animal Lover's Guide to Changing the World and Giveaway
I pride myself on being an animal lover, and a voice for change. In light of recent changes to legislation that have taken away...

Finding an Affordable and Durable Dog Chew
Got a dog? Got a butt load of dogs? If yes, do you ever struggle with finding toys or treats that will keep them occupied for a long...

What to look for when Choosing a Probiotic for your Dog
We have become a “pro” at probiotics, lately! You may recall that we’ve talked about the value of adding a probiotic to a dog’s daily...