Change a Pet's Life Contest from PetMeds Cares
Our friends at 1-800-PetMeds are at it again. They have hosted many contests where grant winners are chosen to help rescue organizations. This particular contest called “Change a Pet’s Life Contest,” is designed to help fund (up to $2,000) much needed medical treatments for adoptable pets so that they can placed in a forever home in better health.
I will share the meat and potatoes of the contest details in a moment, but I want to tell you a bit about last year’s winner so you can see how much of a difference this contest can make. Regina is an American Bulldog. Prior to being rescued by the National Mill Dog Rescue, she was living her life as a puppy mill breeder. By the ripe age of four, she had given birth to a multitude of litters and was in need of medical assistance. She needed dental work, repair surgery for hernias, the removal of tumors from mammary glands and a spay procedure. When the medical team began working on Regina, they realized she had been previously been sutured with fishing line, which had caused severe infection and pain. Take a look at her photo below. Can you imagine that cute little smooshy face with anything other than a smile?! I’m so happy to know that she now has received the care she needed and I’m sure she’s snorting and drooling with joy and complete abandon.

1st Place: up to $2,000 toward the winning pet's care & a video produced by 1-800-PetMeds Cares about the winning pet and rescue group that will be featured on their website and social channels.
2nd Place: $1,000 grant for the second-place pet's surgery and/or medial treatments.
3rd Place: $500 grant for the third-place pet's surgery and/or medical treatments.
How to Enter
The Change a Pet's Life Contest is open to U.S. animal rescues an shelters. If you are not a part of a rescue, you can still participate by sharing the contest with the animal rescue groups you support and then helping by voting and sharing with friends.
Submissions should be submitted by an associate from the rescue group in order to be sure the correct information is given. One entry per rescue group is allowed. You can enter between 1/9/2017 and 1/15/2017 until 11:59 pm eastern time.