The Top 5 Things to Bring to a Dog Friendly Brewery (Besides Your Dog)
Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout. That means, I am able to start a fire, if needed, with little assistance; I know how to read a...

Where does "Hair of the Dog" come from?
After a long night of drinking (hopefully at a dog friendly brewery) you make your way home and hit the hay. The next morning, you wince...

Bryn and Bill's "Egg"celent Adventure at Cigar City Brewery
In light of hurricane Matthew having spent some quality time in Florida recently, I thought providing post that was Florida related that wa

Tampa Bay - Dog Friendly Brewery Mecca
We decided to visit the Tampa Bay area towards the tail end of August. There are a lot of reasons why this was a poor idea, that we...

10 Curiosities of Craft Beer Culture
It appears, if you’re a dude who drinks craft beer, you’re destined to have a beard. You might as well embrace it and work on stroking...

6 Lessons for Trying Beer in the Eyes of a Novice
Sometimes it’s intimidating to try new things. I frequently hear folks say “I just don’t like beer.” To be honest, I didn’t really have...

Different Beer Glass Types - What's all the Hype About?
I counted one day, and I regret that I did. While I won’t divulge the exact number, I will share that we have considerably more “fancy”...