Pet Costumes for St. Patrick's Day
With some fabric or costumes, backdrops, lighting and imagination, Bean and Yoda have been a little bit of everything. Bean has been Leonard Nemoy, Edward Scissor Hands, Richard Simmons, Rambo, a crazy cat lady, and a boxer (a sampling of photos below, but all of our antics are normally on Instagram). Yoda has been a reindeer, a fart (which is his normal resting state), a sombrero wearing dude, a rain cloud, and he’s been Yoda, of course!
Use your best judgement. Don't ever put your dog in physical harm in constrictive clothing and be aware of signs of stress or discomfort.
We got lucky, I guess. Both Bean and Yoda don’t mind donning silly outfits, hats, wigs or accessories. They indulge me when I take photos and patiently wait for the costume to no longer be a part of the equation. We have hand made costumes for the dogs, and have purchased costumes occasionally, normally at off seasons so they are discounted (I will forever be considered “cheap”).
We received products from Rubie's Pet Shop to try in exchange for an honest assessment of their products and our experience. Our opinions are our own and we only share products with readers we know they'll love. This post also includes an Amazon affiliate link. If you click and make a purchase, I receive a small commission.
I met a sweet young women while I was attending BarkWorld in the fall who happens to be a representative for Rubie’s Pet Shop, a company that creates costumes for dogs. If you’ve picked up a costume or accessory designed for a dog at some point along the way, chances are you have held and possibly purchased one of their products. Since I knew Bean and Yoda are always up for a fun new adventure, we were super pumped with the folks at Rubie’s Pet Shop sent us some sweet new costumes to help us celebrate St. Patrick’s Day (it is a day for drinking beer after all, among other things).
Gah! Take a look at our little leprechauns! We are so pumped with the costumes that we had a chance to try out. Be on the lookout for a fun Rubie’s Pet Shop giveaway next week and check us out on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for extra photos of our leprechauns as we gear up for St. Patrick’s day in the coming weeks. Thanks to Rubie’s Pet Shop, even our dogs are Irish for a brief stint!
Yoda as a leprechaun next to his Cuddle Clone version of himself. Twinning, Irish style!