Remember Me Thursday: Helping to Shine A Light for Animal Rescue
A week from today is Remember Me Thursday. No, I’m not referring to you remembering to pick someone up from the bus stop or your children from soccer practice (although, if you’ve committed to picking them up, you probably should). I’m referring to a campaign by the Helen Woodward Animal Center that hopes to light up social media to raise awareness of the millions of orphan pets in need of loving homes.
We received promotional items from the Helen Woodward Animal Center in exchange for helping to spread the word about Remember Me Thursday. We only share information with readers we care about and feel you would care about too and our opinions are our own.
As you know, supporting animal rescue has been something we care deeply about here at A Dog Walks into a Bar and have for forever. There’s always an element of guilt, or perhaps, it’s more accurately stated as “a fear of judgement,” when I admit that Bean and Yoda aren’t adopted. Bean joined us as a puppy from a breeder after months of research. The decision stemmed from an understanding of the breed characteristics for a Boston Terrier, which we believed would be a strong fit for our lifestyle. It wound up being accurate.
We had multiple failed adoption attempts between Bean and Yoda. After home inspections, interviews, and lengthy applications, we were told more than once that the dog we were hoping to adopt had been adopted by someone else. I don’t blame the rescue organizations, in fact, I’m thrilled that the dogs found a loving home so quickly.

Even so, we were a bit deflated. Then, suddenly, the breeder we had gotten Bean from posted that she needed to home a stud whose services were no longer requested, which is a nice way of saying, time for the removal of cash and prizes. So, Yoda isn’t a rescue either.
We still view animal rescue as a subject of paramount importance, and we try to discuss animal rescue and help to support rescue organizations as often as possible. We have been able to contribute more than $10,000 worth of supplies, food, and treats along with money to our local animal rescues with the help of generous brands in the short while we’ve been blogging and active on social media.

Remember Me Thursday is a chance to help raise awareness about the importance of animal rescue. This event is a global awareness campaign that will help to unite individuals, regardless of their location, along with rescue organizations to help be a voice for orphaned pets. Here are the details:
WHO: Anyone! Individuals and rescue organizations can join in on the event.
WHEN: Thursday, September 28th (each year, it's the 4th Thursday in September).
WHY: To raise awareness about animals in need of rescue through a social campaign, with unique hashtag, luminaries, and photo sharing.
HOW: Check out the helpful infographic for the ways you can get involved.

We hope to see you join in on #RememberMeThursday! Do you have your own rescue story? We'd love to hear it in the comments below!