When you Run out of Things to Say on your Blog
Okay, so my title is a little melodramatic. I haven’t completely “dried up,” when it comes to blogging ideas, but I’m currently on hold for some projects and am feeling a bit lost. I want to share something with followers so you know we’re still here, and the dogs are still performing their daily fart duties with gusto, and that we (the humans) are still drinking copious amounts of beer.

Here’s what’s on our horizon that you should be checking back for in the coming weeks:
An exclusive interview with Deirdre “Little Darling,” Franklin from Pinups for Pitbulls. We had a great conversation that I’m excited to share, along with a giveaway of her most recently published book!
A review and giveaway for Teckelklub dog coats and other pet products. They’re a Canadian based company with some incredibly well-made items that I’m excited to show you!
An exciting Valentine’s contest that’s being hosted by our friends at RedBarn Pet Products.
In the meantime, why don’t I share what’s been happening in our little nook on this planet.
Be on the lookout for even more photos! I got a DSLR not that long ago that I’m learning more about every day. I am excited to take even better photos to share with you. If you aren’t following us on Instagram yet, I recommend you do, since that’s where most of my photos are posted. We have two accounts, and I normally post a new photo on each daily which actually is a lot harder than it sounds.

Beanparty.Yodabash is where this crazy adventure started and shares mostly pictures of Bean and Yoda on our daily adventures.
A.Dog.Walks.Into.A.Bar has all the silly periods because someone else took ADogWalksintoABar even though they haven’t posted anything in years and there are NO DOGS! Lame! Our account includes photos of the dogs, beer, sometimes together, sometimes separate.
We are looking to identify and highlight all of the dog friendly breweries across the country so this site can serve as a resource for individuals who are traveling with their dogs and would like to enjoy a hoppy beverage along the way.

If you know of spaces that you think we should include, I’d really appreciate your input. If you can send along photos of dogs at the breweries that I can include that would be HUGE. Any photos you send may be posted (with your credit, and permission of course) on the site and other social media platforms.
So, exciting news, I’m presenting at BlogPaws with my friend and fellow blogger Alison Reder from Sarcastic Dog! We’re starting to plan for our presentation and we’re also working on coordinating a road trip adventure that will bring us across the country and end in Myrtle Beach. It’s not final by any means and if you have any input for places we should see, or places we should avoid, I’d love to hear from you!

I’ll keep you posted on planning developments and I can’t wait to share photos of our time at BlogPaws in May!
That’s about it for now. I hope you’re doing wonderfully. Thanks, as always, for visiting and please share our site with your friends!