Potpourri Post for A Dog Walks into a Bar
Some exciting things have occurred since our last post and time has gotten away from us! I apologize for a delay, but wanted to share some information about some recent (and exciting) developments. I’ll be sharing some updates on how our participation in the Barks and Brews event at Fort Hill Brewery went, which lead to my favorite day – donation day! Lastly, we have some exciting projects and prospects on our horizon that I’d like to share.
Barks & Brews - Beer and Buddies and Bountiful Donations
We arrived at Fort Hill Brewery on a muggy morning with our gear in stow. Helpful volunteers from Dakin Pioneer Valley Humane Society greeted us and brought us to where our tent was to be set up. After a brief swearing stint, the tent was pitched, and we prepared our table.
We set up our home made Spent Grain Dog Treats (you can make your own with the recipe found here) with grain provided by Amherst Brewing Company along with some AMAZING raffle baskets. The folks at Only Natural Pet (affiliate link provided at end of article) provided flea and tick prevention and treatment products for one basket. The second basket had tons of toys, treats, shampoo, and other goodies from all sorts of companies (P.L.A.Y.; PetSafe; Rocco & Roxie; Red Barn; Natural Balance) to name a few.
The day was filled with a treasure trove of adorable dogs and friendly owners, amazing beer, and fun events for dogs and their owners. Check out the photo album below (additional photos are also on our facebook page). I was pleasantly surprised by the number of folks who purchased raffle tickets and am happy to share that we were able to donate $200.00 to Dakin Humane Society because of the generosity of participants. THANK YOU for joining in on the fun! The donation has already been given to Dakin and the two raffle basket winners have received their baskets of goodies!
Donation Day – Goodies for Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Adoption Center
Since we had provided a monetary donation to Dakin Humane Society, I thought it would be nice to spread the wealth and provide a donation of goods to our other local shelter, Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Adoption Center. Last week, treats, food, toys, and supplies were separated, chronicled, and organized in bags and boxes with our A Dog Walks into a Bar logo. In total, we were able to donate close to a thousand dollars ($992.85 to be exact) worth of items to the shelter! Holy cow!! If you want to see more photos of what we donated, check out our facebook page!

While visiting the shelter, I was able to meet with the volunteer coordinator. She shared that they are in need of a photographer to take photos of adoptable animals and update the social media and site. I’ve offered my services, and I hope that I am able to make arrangements that match with my availability. I’ve wanted to volunteer in some capacity for quite some time, so I hope that this is a way to get my foot in the door.
What’s in Store for A Dog Walks into a Bar
We have TONS of exciting posts scheduled for the coming weeks. Be on the lookout for some educational posts, giveaways, and beer related content. We’ll be traveling to a craft beer mecca (Tampa, FL) towards the end of the month and have some interviews slated with amazing breweries and their brew dogs to share!
Oh, by the way, as if I have additional free time, I am working on the skeleton for a book! We’ll be working on featuring adoptable dogs and dog friendly breweries in the publication and I couldn’t be more excited for starting this project!
Cheers and thanks for joining us!