A Dog that Healed a Broken Heart
“At least you still have Yoda.” A sentence I heard countless times after people learned about the series of traumatic events that have...

A Heart Dog's Origin Story
We knew we would name her Quincy before we even knew she existed. A Boston Terrier clearly was intended to have a name for a famous...

The Three Things you Should Know for Planning a Trip to the Westminster Dog Show
I had the opportunity to attend the Westminster Kennel Club dog show as a member of the press last year and I’m gearing up to attend...

The Top Three Things I Wish I Knew About Blogging
I did a little hop-jiggle dance when my copy of Pet Blogging for Love & Money arrived in the mail, recently. It’s a book I’ve been...

The Benefits of CBD for Dogs and Humans
CBD. You hear about it all the time, nowadays. In one regard, that’s awesome, especially if people are learning about its potential...

What's the Best Natural Dog Treat
Yoda was on TV last week. This is his fourth appearance on our local news channel for a mid-day program called “Mass Appeal.” The hour...

Everything you should know about heartworm
It happened this weekend. While we were packing the car after spending time visiting family, we allowed a “guest” to join us in the car...

We Found the Best Dog Bed!
Up until a couple months ago, both Bean and Yoda would huddle on a tiny round dog bed in front of the heating vent. While the bed was...

Five Essential Tomlyn Products to Improve Dog Health
It’s mid-march, and dreams of corned beef and cabbage are floating in people’s heads in advance of St. Patrick’s Day. No one in our...

Caring for a Senior Dog, Tips & Tools
If you couldn’t tell already by Bean’s frosted eyebrows, she’s officially considered a senior (commence high volumes of sobbing, now). I...